Ski & Snowboard Course Reps Review – Week 3

NothinButSnow week 3 review

Hi there ski & snowboarding fans! So this week has been incredible out here at Big White, the snow has been amazing and our team this year are becoming more and more legendary as the weeks go on.

Week 3 began with a warm and beautiful bluebird Monday, which got everyone amped up and we had endless amazing views and great snow conditions added in for good measure. After a few warm up laps and riding techniques being tweeked a little bit more towards the Level 1 standards the students headed to Happy Valley, (the nursery slopes) It’s here where this weeks learning was mainly focused.

Bluebird snowboarding NothinButSnow Bluebird skiing with NothinButSnow

Tuesday was ‘Australia Day’ which is heavily celebrated here as the majority of Seasonaires hail from ‘down under’. There was a huge all day party at the hostel where they have DJ’s playing alongside a park set up consisting of jumps, rails and around 250 Aussies going bonkers! We met most of the students when they finished another teaching packed day of lessons and took them up there (via the liquor store of course!) Safe to say NBS took over and we had an absolute blast cheering, dancing and mingling. Some of our guys even hit the jumps much to our delight! The evening obviously ended up escalating into SAMs and our crew got the whole pub singing ‘wonderwall’ by oasis, along with chants of Aussie Aussie Aussie , Oi Oi Oi…  it was another fantastic and memorable day!!!

Wednesday was quite foggy and a bit of a slow start for some, however once you breathe that mountain air and suck in the fresh atmosphere the NBS vibe creates, hangovers evaporate and it’s back to beaming smiles and high fives as you steadily progress your riding and skiing techniques up to levels you only dreamed of before coming here….. I speak from experience.

Thursday saw the first proper ‘come dine with me’ of the season where myself and Joey get to go and be wined and dined and really bond with our guests without all the distractions of the pub. This week was the Snow Pines house’s turn, and boy did they step it up! The lads had spent the previous two nights building a kicker (jump) outside the balcony complete with ‘drop in’ slope and an ice bar at the take off; those who were a little tired could just drink, chat and enjoy the show. I have to say it was awesome and we had a good couple of hours session on it whilst sipping cider! However our hosts had underestimated myself and Joeys drinking abilities (you don’t get this job by being a lightweight!) and we soon drank them dry. Despite this their determination to win meant two of them did a sneaky run back to the bottle store and replenished the bar; game on!! A fantastic night ensued.

NothinButSnow Ice Bar  NothinButSnow come dine with me

A few more practice teaches Friday morning eased everybody towards personal feedback afternoon and being the penultimate week before Level 1 exams this feedback was important. But as expected great reports were received and everyone headed out happily to another Friday night group meal.  An excellent dinner at the Blarney Stone Irish pub was had followed by a great night out in SAMs.

NothinButSnow skiers practice teaching NothinButSnow snowboarders practice teaching

Saturday everybody on course went to snow pines for a bit of a house party. We all arrived in the afternoon so we could hit the jump for a while and all just hang out. Was super fun but we didn’t finish off too late as it was dumping snow and the forecast for Sunday was good…………

35CM FRESH POW!!! Sunday needs nothing more said about it than that!!!! #myepicseasoncontinues
