Week 6 Ski And Snowboard Course Review – Big White 2012

What a week! Weather wise week 6 kicked of pretty chilly, perfect blue skys and the sun on your back made for a fantastic start.


Instructor rotation kicked off on Monday with each group picking up a new instructor for the week ahead. The weeks focus for the skiers was purely millage, to really ingrain all the skills they have learnt and apply them in varied terrain across the entire mountain. It was fantastic to see the skiers ski this week, the stress of exams were over and they were skiing like pro’s. Looking back from their initial video analysis sessions in week 1 you couldn’t match up the skiing if you didn’t recognise the jackets!

Switch Quick Ride Lesson

The snowboarders spent the first part of week 6 re-learning quick ride, but this time switch! To help with those sore heads Monday morning the group headed to the bottom of the ridge lift where they began to practise in the sun. As Wednesday rolled around the heavens opened and it begun! POW POW POW! If you didn’t have a snorkel you would have struggled towards the end of this week as Big White just got dumped on. The snowboarders continued their training through the week working more closely on pressure control, hitting up the steeps for training as well as for getting some epic powder shots!

NothinButSnow Powder Slash

Meanwhile Simon dropped out of ski lessons to complete his level 1 snowboard exam. After spending time training over weekends, evenings and with our rep Sam (qualified snowboard instructor) Simon took the plunge and headed out for his 3 day CASI examination. With fantastic feedback on day 1, Simon worked hard throughout the exam, showed his progression and before we knew it he was a qualified snowboard instructor as well as a ski insructor! The whole group was over the moon to see Simon pick up his level 1 ski and level 1 snowboard within two weeks! A first for a NothinButSnow student! Congratulations again Simon!!!

CASI Level 1 Cert

Friday rolled in and yep you guessed it, it was another powder day! Fresh tracks all day saw the groups work themselves to exhaustion. A powtastic week was over, but with snow in the forecast for the weekend everybody was talking about getting first lift Saturday morning.

Friday night was pretty chilled, we all decided to order in pizza to one of the houses and play some beer pong. After a pizza delivery that reminded us of the scene from Home Alone, it was beer pong time.

Friday Night Pizza

Opening game was doubles between NBS Leigh & Laura Vs NBS Sam and Kate. Taking an early lead Sam & Kate steamed ahead, but in the nick of time Leigh bagged a few glasses and Laura found her form 3, 2, 1 it was over! One of the most enjoyable evenings so far this season, everyone was chilled and stoked for a weekend of riding pow.

Beer Pong Night