Week 4 Ski and Snowboard Course Review – Big White 2012

The last week of lessons before exams! Monday morning rolls around and its dumping again! The snow was in tip top condition and a brave new crew of ski and snowboard instructors were itching to pick up our groups and head out. This week had a clear focus of continuing to build upon the previous 3 weeks of training, perfecting demos, teaching and general skiing and riding. By the end of the day so much snow had fallen those early tracks were almost completely filled.

NothinButSnow Ski Group

The skiers enjoyed a blast around the mountain all day with Blake. Stopping only for 10 minuets to grab some food for lunch, this skiing machine ripped around every nook and cranny Big White has to offer pushing the group to exhaustion! There were a few tired eyes but beaming smiles at the end of the day. Even after a full day of skiing Freddie (one of our students) found the energy to hike to the top of the mountain and ski back down!

Snowboard Tripod

The snowboarders spent Monday morning working through drills and general riding improvement. Kevin decided to spend his time perfecting his tripod! Don’t remember seeing that one in the CASI level 1 exam Kev, but good effort, ha!

Heel Edge Pressure Control

Spending a few runs on heel edge pressure control techniques. Dan lived up to his new nickname in the group, J-Lo. Check him out here working that booty!

Rob Ski Crash

The Okanagan delivered some beautiful weather over the course of week 4. Plenty of fresh snow fell with the guys and girls waking up to a glorious blue bird day on Thursday. The skiers took full advantage of the weather and luckily for Rob the soft snow!

Friday saw a hungry group all head to the Gun Barrel restaurant for our evening meal out in the main village. Aside from a few games of pool and a well deserved jug of beer week 4 was a pretty quite week all round. Everybody was focused on making the most of the final weeks lessons before exam week. The weekend continued to deliver on blue bird days with the crew out enjoying the sun working on their goggle tans.