Life After NothinButSnow – Sam Caffrey

Working as a ski instructor in Japan

What were your first impressions arriving in Japan?

My first impression when I arrived in Japan was, “where the hell am I?” It felt like I had landed on a another planet, everything was so different! The language for a start was interesting and the first shop I went in I was amazed at what you could buy, so many strange foods you could purchase like a packet of octopus legs to mountain dew crisps! I couldn’t wait to start exploring more of this country!

How exciting was picking up your ski school uniform?

After spending a few days settling in and exploring the local surroundings with my new friends. It was time to pick up our uniform before the season began. We were all sitting patiently in the common room as the uniform was being handed out. As soon as I had been given it, I felt very proud and when I had put it all on, it really started to sink in that I was a professional ski instructor!

Did all of your NothinButSnow training come flooding back when you delivered your first lesson?

My very first lesson was always going to be nerve-racking but due to the high level of training I had received at NothinButSnow, I felt very comfortable whilst teaching and everything came flooding back very quickly.

How did the lesson go?

My first lesson went really well, nervous to start with but as soon as I got into the flow everything came back to me and I managed to deliver a really fun and enjoyable lesson.

Back when you decided to do a NothinButSnow ski instructor course, did you ever imagine you would end up working in Japan?

Not in a million years! I didn’t even know that you could ski in Japan. Without NothinButSnow I wouldn’t have known about the job at Rusutsu so I’m very thankful to them for letting me know.

Has the POW lived up to its reputation so far?


How does skiing in Japan differ from skiing in Canada?

One thing that was really strange when we arrived we noticed that no Japanese skiers or snowboarders would never go into the trees. I never found out the real reason why, but we certainly weren’t complaining. I was really baffled, but it was amazing to ski everyday in the trees and easily find fresh lines all day, everyday!

After an epic season with NothinButSnow, you’re living the dream and travelling the world. Any advice to someone in your position pre NothinButSnow?

DO IT! Pre NothinButSnow I would have never thought I would be in the position I am in now! 2 seasons down the line and a 3rd secured back in Canada for the 2014/2015 season! The training and the house we lived in together whilst in Canada was amazing. I learnt so much and became such a great skier. The opportunities after completing the course are endless and you will have the most awesome time you could ever imagine. Just go and complete a course with NothinButSnow, if you don’t you will regret it, I promise.

Thanks Sam for taking the time to answer those questions and we wish you another fantastic season in Canada. Sam completed NothinButSnow’s Level 2 CSIA Ski Instructor Course at Big White Ski Resort, you can read more about this course right here.