Big White Ski Resort Opens With A Bang!

Big White Ski Resort has been on the receiving end of massive amounts of snow. So much so that they were in a position to open early.

On the 18th November 2015 they had 46cm in 24 hours. This set everything up nicely and allowed all the lucky people to get those first fresh tracks of the season.

The Bullet Chair will also start spinning on Saturday and almost all of the associated runs will be available. This is amazing news for an amazing start to the season.

The Forrest Chair will have a bonus opening over the weekend so everyone can enjoy that deep untouched powder. Some lucky people will get some of their best turns in through the trees. This means that in total this weekend, after only opening for 3 days, The Ridge Rocket, The Plaza Chair, The Bullet Chair, The Black Forest Chair and Lara’s Gondola are all in operation.

If you would like to see some images check out Big White’ photo stream. Ohhh it looks so good.

NothinButSnow’s season is shaping up nicely. If you are one of the lucky few to be joining us this season, then it already looks like you are in store for an epic winter adventure.