Dear diary
I want to write to you this week with a problem of mine. It saddens me that there are people in the world that aren’t having as much fun as I am. If only they went on an NothinButSnow course so that they could have as much fun as I, but I digress. On Sunday I saw one of the greatest sights I have seen thus far this season, and all from the hot tub. We put the NHL hockey All Star Weekend on the TV, rolled up the blinds and watched the game unfold through the window to our crib. Wow. 17-12 to Team Towes. Two of the main reasons I love Canada are snowboarding and hockey, and the All-Star game delivered big on one of those passions, and the rest of the week would scratch the itch that is the need for snowboarding.
As promised from last week’s entry, Straya day, as the Aussies call, was a marvel to behold. The day started with us being introduced to our new instructors for the week. Due to injuries within certain groups I was swapped into another group so that numbers were more level. Shout out to all my fallen homies, hopefully y’all will get better soon and get back on the mountain. So this week I was back with Dom from the first week. In previous weeks the focus had mainly been on developing our riding up to the CASI level one standard, but this week the order of business was to be more focused on our teaching. We made our way down to the valley of happiness to begin our training, young grasshopper. The quick ride system offered an interesting breakdown of how to teach a beginner snowboarder. Oh I forgot to mention, it’s been beautiful outside all week, so a perfect opportunity to work on the ultimate “I had a better winter than you” medal, the goggle tan. Later on in the day a view from the chair lift showed a pilgrimage to the kangaroo run, as well as a window into just how crazy the Aussies are. Okay so it is sunny out, HOWEVER, still not swim suit weather, yet they came in their numbers and shredded down in their minimal amount of clothing. SAM’S provided another treat later on in the evening. AC/DC COVER BAND. No more explanation needed. So rad just to unwind from the day listening to all the classics! Stories gathered over the day were shared by the group, and provided some entertainment, from jibbing off of roofs to riding all lifts in one day, Aussie day had it all.
Tuesday. First lift. Something’s not quite right. Its quiet…too quiet. Oh yeah all the Aussie’s are still in bed. After lunch, on the lift. It’s still very quiet. Oh yeah, Aussies are still all in bed!! I will give it to them though, they do party hard! The upside to this?? the mountain was pretty much ours for the whole day!
Wednesday entailed only one thing, the training was over, and it was time for business to begin, for Wednesday we would teach our first lessons to the rest of the group. I’ve got to say, it felt good to put that knowledge into a lesson format! Big shout out to Carl who damaged his arm on the first run in the morning, everyone has their spills and unfortunately some get hurt more than others, but I came to your aid because YOU’RE MY BOY BLUE. Also it is stated in the 10 commandments of snowboarding, Thou shall keep at least one homie in sight at all times…good job it wasn’t a powder day, otherwise I might have been a bit too occupied. Hope you get back on the board soon and kick ass sea bass.
Speaking of arms…well wings, Wings Wednesday was a hit as always, didn’t manage to finish all the wings though, so had them for Thursday lunch! WINNING! Apparently the other members on the course opened up their own hair salon later on in the evening, where Ant gave some totally fabulous haircuts darling. Props though, like a pisté basher Ant turned Axel’s mop into a finely groomed blue run.
Friday proved one thing to me, and I don’t care what anybody says about this, miracles do happen. Yeah Friday Funday was again a huge success, but aside from that I got to eat Fish and Chips. My inner Englishman called out and the Blarney Stone answered. While in the Blarney Stone there was a NBS season milestone achieved, non-South African Karl had completed Ant and Joey’s shot challenge set before us all and rightfully gained the title of “King of the Mountain”. A quiet night in quickly turned into another crazy NothinButSnow night at SAM’S! Ritchie and I discovered a common interest with a love for Long Island Iced Teas, so we definitely celebrated the end to another great week in style!
There is a challenge that I often see proposed in bars and pubs, and normally ends up in fun being had by all after a lot of convincing, HOWEVER, Alan (aka Simon appropriately named based on his looks being similar to those of Zach Galifianakis in the Hangover) and Rosie (Given this name at birth) took very little persuading and stepped right up to the straight arm pint challenge. Being a spectator in that sport is a little bit like going to Sea World. I imagine a few puzzled faces after this statement, so let me clarify. If you sit in the front row at both, you are 100% in the splash zone and will have to spend the rest of your time at the event covered in beer. Yes beer, we all know that orca enjoys a few cold ones when park guests aren’t around. I walked home with Jamie, who totally didn’t fall over after warning me that its slippery and not to fall down (don’t worry bro no one will know bud), and after usual nights out I just wanted to get into my bed…however there was a Tim already occupying my pit, which confused everyone as he remembers being put to bed in his own bed. Nice job bro!
Next week is our CASI Level 1 exams, so I’m going to leave you here, as I’ve got a bit of studying to do and a bit of waxing. After a hot tub session of course.
Stay rad